Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Freedom of press vs freedom of move

Why Parliament officials so scare of media who work so hard to cover the Parliament sitting? Why limit media moving spaces since our premier keep on emphasizing the importance of press freedom? Media are not terrorist nor animal!

Please respect their freedom. After all they are the only channel your MPs get the publicity in Parliament.


一生中最怕去看牙医, 因为有不值得回忆的事件.

长大后的第一次拔牙, 女牙医用了九牛二虎之力, 才成功拔出一颗牙, 耗时一个钟头! 痛不欲生!

女牙医是新手, 要求数天后再次赴诊, 确保伤口无事. 赴诊那天她说手臂酸痛了好几天, 操劳过度吧!

数年后再心不情愿的去拔牙. 好在女牙医手脚快了, 前后不到五分钟就将牙齿拔出. 从此对牙医有了不同的看法, 觉得他们很伟大, 因为他们让我没有牙疼的问题, 当然牙齿也少了.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

All about 20% oil royalties

SAPP gave four reasons for backing the no-confidence vote against the premiership of Abdullah Badawi:

  • No concrete actions have been taken on the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah;

  • Sabah, being the poorest state, is greatly burdened by the sharp hike in petrol prices. The government has failed to provide "holistic economic solutions";

  • SAPP Member of Parliament would fail in their role as elected representatives as issues raised such as poor delivery systems, corruption, wastage of resources, lack of transparency and no sense of accountability are ignored; &
  • People have lost confidence in the leadership of Abdullah. SAPP is of the opinion that if the top leadership can't perform, then Abdullah should make way for other able leader to take over.

However, for me, there is one solid reason for the motion that is the 20% oil royalties offer by Pakatan leader, Annuar Ibrahim, to Sabah, which is too attractive compare with the current 5% given by Abdullah's government.

So, politics is all about dollars and cents.

What is your stand, Sarawak and Terengganu?

More news on


沙巴进步党昨日发出对大马首相阿都拉投不信任票的动议, 让各方都极度震惊, 因为当大家还在猜想进步党是否会宣布推出国阵时, 它却来个不信任票!

对首相投不信任票的动议, 在大马是首例, 因为在国阵里, 任何不满都能通过内部协商来解决, 半个世纪来都是这样.

国阵政府在过去50年来都风平浪静, 除了1969年的种族暴动导致第一任首相宣布退位外, 首相的权威是无法动摇的. 但是一到阿都拉上台后, 大马政局就出现了许多不同, 最明显的是许多人都勇于表达看法, 其可以通过互联网的威力给予渲染, 也可以走在街上将问题讲出来.

这可以是大马民主第二度的成熟, 人民也开始接受了开放的温度, 许多对国阵政府不利的事件一一被揭发, 引起民愤, 导致国阵在308国会选举后失去了2/3的国会议席, 阿都拉的地位就动摇了.

国阵有今日, 也不是阿都拉一个人造成的, 因过去半个世纪以来, 国阵老大巫统以强权手腕来管理国家, 包括对待自己的成员党, 就种下了祸根, 今日有成员党会起义, 是意料中的事.

进步党这项动议会不会获得其他友党的认同, 会不会成功已是次要, 因为这已经足够让阿都拉与国阵政府的声誉跌入谷底.

若进步党的动议获得来自沙巴与砂拉越友党的认同, 大马政局就会变天了! 未来的一周, 是大马政局的关键时刻.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rise or shrink?

Wanita Umno chief Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz said she would defend her post if she received enough nominations for the party election in December 2008. According to the statement addressed to the press, she still feel that the members want her to serve the party.

If everyone share the same feeling, the next generation will not join the front because of no grooming.

I always believe that it is easier to rise than to shrink.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


人, 走到一个十字路口, 就会开始徘徊, 到底哪个方向才是正轨的.

十字路口的当下, 面对诸多要求, 感触良多, 要潇洒面对是不容的.

也许多年没有这样徘徊了, 忘了克服的方法, 忘了应对的勇气.

这就是人生, 令人深思的人生. 也因为这样, 人生才会绚丽多彩.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Public transport system

Malaysian government promises to provide a more efficient public transport system under its national Budget 2009. New incentives, allocations and assistance will be delivered to help the public transport industry. It is hoped that this measure will be able to encourage citizen to utilise public transport, and at the same time to cut down the consumption of petrol.

This is not the first time such suggestion being announced. But, until today the citizen still prefer to use their own vehicle due to inefficiency in public transport system. So, act fast and let's see the outcome. People is paying more and more for the miles and it is really painful.

Fuel subsidy rebates in 3 minutes?

Pos Malaysia is expected to process the fuel subsidy rebates' application in 3 minutes, this is faster than buying a stamp, or get your bills paid at the counter. A very promising statement, but let's see the performance. If they manage to get it done by 3 minutes, it should be nominated "The Most Efficient" government agency in Malaysia.

The outcome will be known very soon...Malaysian is watching.


政府近期不断作出许多令人"意外"的决定, 其中就是每月发两次薪水, 与允许公务员兼职. 许多人对这项措施感到费解.

政府分两次发放薪水, 用意在于让公务员能好好规划每月消费, 可是由于经济效应导致许多人都面对入不敷出的问题, 因此就开始使用未来钱, 如分期贷款购物与爆刷信用卡等, 让许多人面对财务紧缩问题, 每月薪水扣除后所剩不多了. 如今必须要一个月薪水两次拿, 会使许多人面对财务周转问题, 对市场带来深远影响.

至于让政府公务员兼职, 让老百姓感觉到是否国家养太多公务员, 导致许多公务员的工作量不多, 可以开始兼职. 如此一来, 过后到政府机构办理事务可能见到许多公务员提供其它"额外服务", 工作成了次要了. 这又如何提升政府机构的服务素质呢? 怎么能吸引外资呢?

国会选举过后, 老百姓就得到了许多"令人深思"的政策, 看来政府也未免太过"创意"了!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


首相阿都拉巴达威宣布中央拨出十亿令吉供砂州作基建发展, 某种程度上将能提升砂州基建水平. 但是砂州土地辽阔, 要全面提升基建发展肯定需要更多款项. 所以款项所能带来的效益惊喜性不大.

日前, 中央政府宣布减少一些政府官方机构开销, 但是如果连许多必须花费的事项也减少, 将使市场失去资金流动, 导致经济走下坡, 人民生活将变得更艰辛.政府应该确保所有款项获得妥善的应用, 才能使所花出的每一分钱获得更好的效果. 这远比提倡减少政府开销来得实际.

政府减少对汽油的津贴, 导致汽油起价70仙, 对汽油使用者及消费者带来沉重负担, 老百姓怨声载道,对政府这种不受欢迎但却实际的政策大吐口水.

一直津贴汽油将使国家财务陷入困境, 这是事实. 人民应该减少对津贴的依靠, 反而多加提升自己的竞争力, 才能在经济完全受制于全球化下开辟自己的蓝海. 政府必须认真将所剩下来的津贴用在真正能带动经济发展的领域, 才能使国家脱离资源危机的旋涡.

市场会自动就资源短缺, 百物高涨问题作出调整, 往往政府干涉经济体系的措施会带来反效果.

无论老百姓喜不喜欢这些政策, 生活还是要继续过, 久了, 大家就会觉得麻木了. 未来, 对老百姓更重要的并不是政治家, 而是能掌握经济脉搏跳动与趋势的经济家.